Courtney Rhodes (She/Her) 27. @court_rhodes
Courtney is a lady gay who works as a graphic designer in downtown Austin by day. By night, she galavants around as a cat woman…not Catwoman, but just an actual cat lady. When not snuggling up with her cats and girlfriend (Kristen) like the lesbian stereotype she is, you can probably find Courtney vlogging for her couple YouTube That Wife Life, playing in a recreational sports league since she’s currently on 5 different football/basketball teams. She’s also on this podcast, running FLAVNT Streetwear with her twin brother Chris, crossfitting in the morning and trying to have a social life. Please join her petition to add more hours to each day.
Chris Rhodes (He/Him) 27. @seethestarsablaze
Chris is a trans guy, 5 years on testosterone. He co-runs FLAVNT Streetwear with Courtney, spending his days printing shirts and doing whatever other tasks it takes to run a small business — all while giving 15% of proceeds to fundraising partnerships to trans folks seeking gender-affirming surgeries. Due to his great hair, okay personality, and largely to sharing his transition with the interwebs, Chris is often on social media creating content when he’s not working for FLAVNT, recording Queer For It, playing in all the queer sports leagues Austin has to offer, or trying out the latest bar/restaurant that’s opened in town.
Cris Rodgers (She/Her) 29. @theyolobandit
Cris is a lifelong lover of women and an advocate for freedom of expression and self-love through beauty and fashion. As a retail entrepreneur who had a 75lb weight loss journey, her main business, manufacturers luxury apparel for Big & Tall men. She loves getting her mind on new ideas and helping others grow their business dreams. She is obsessed with learning, adventure, exercising, dinner with friends, making others laugh, her tiny dog, Crunchie, working with Impact Dyslexia, riding her bike, and wearing her glasses. She can be found 5-ish days a week listening to podcasts and walking around Town Lake. Cris has a lovely girlfriend named Maria.
The three of us met at an event for Queer Entrepreneurs here in Austin, immediately hit it off, grabbed drinks afterwards, and have been cracking each other up and having deep conversations ever since.
We felt that the podcast world was lacking some queer representation, and wanted to address topics we found ourselves tackling at bars together around Austin. Whether that be gender, sexuality, politics, growing up, making a living, relationships, heartache, and any and all shenanigans — We are 2 queer women and one trans guy talking it out in what’s mostly not a shit show, or maybe is a shit show, but in the best way.